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Napa Valley, California

We Believe in the Power of Convening to Amplify Diverse Voices and Drive Change & Truth

For Rare Disease – For Brain Health – For Healthcare

We Build Transformational Relationships

Patroski Lawson is the founder and CEO of KPM Group DC. He is on a mission to bring more awareness of and advocacy for rare disease and brain health by unlocking new opportunities to better support the Research & Development of medicines and deliver triple bottom line impact for the healthcare industry, companies and the patients and advocates they serve, and society.

As Patroski continues to live his truth behind the “why” of KPM Group DC, he’ll continue to address long-standing inequities, particularly those affecting small to mid-sized pharma and biotech companies and the underserved rare disease and brain health patient populations they serve. Through KPM Group DC, he is committed to breaking through these challenges, shining a light on healthcare inequities, and fighting for the lives and truths of these individuals.

Patroski’s work is just beginning. He invites everyone who shares these passions to join him at KPM Group DC’s events to contribute to conversations, almost always over wine and food, that strive to find solutions and build transformational relationships.

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